Eggplant has the binomial name Solanum melongena, is also known as aubergine or brinjal, which is a perennial plant that is known majorly by purple color, which also has green, yellow, and some other colors. Apart from the fact that it serves as a source of food, it also serves as a source of beautifying the environment and also aiding the blowing of fresh wind and supply of oxygen into the environment. Eggplant, in its nursery stage, is planted or should be planted in nursery pots to avoid the destroying of the seeds that were planted and also to raise the growing seedlings in a way that they won’t perish. This helps the flower’s growth to be maintained and monitored.

Eggplants seeds germinate in about 8-17days depending on the soil conditions and the weather conditions, and a balanced fertilizer is needed to grow eggplant seeds. The pre-planting operations of the eggplant seed should be done in nursery pots before it is being transferred to the field for post-planting operation. The field will give it the access to grow and spread its roots to gain more nutrients and water, but in nursery pots, it is only raised to grow it and also to nurture it, as it is in the stage that it cannot survive many harsh conditions, so by raising it in this way, it is helped, restricted, and confined in the pot until it grows to a stage.

 The benefits of eggplant are listed as follows.

  •       Eggplant has a peculiar taste and texture, which makes it an important ingredient that can’t be overlooked in different kinds of dishes.

Eggplant is rich in a lot of nutrients like Magnesium, Niacin, copper, and so on. Magnesium is needed in the body so that the body can be healthy, many processes in the body require magnesium in the body for the body to be effective in processing, such processing includes Nerves processing and Muscles regulation, the pressure of the blood, the sugar level contained in the blood, conversion of protein, bones, and DNA, Magnesium also help in boosting exercise and also fights depression in the body. Niacin reduces blood pressure and also blood fat level, treats diabetes type 1, and is also made up of vitamin B, which helps to keep the digestive system, the skin, and also the nervous system in a healthy state. Copper is an essential mineral that the body needs to keep it healthy, because the body needs copper for many functions, such as connective tissues, making energy, and making energy.

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