Permanent hair removal Q&A

Permanent hair removal is a process in which the hair follicle is destroyed by means of heat, chemicals, or light energy to produce permanent hair reduction. The process involves destroying the papilla (root), which contains blood vessels and nerves. The destruction of these components prevents regrowth of hair from the follicle.

Below are few Permanent hair removal Q&A

What are the side effects of permanent hair removal?

The most common side effect is a mild redness or swelling in the treated area, which can last from a few hours to a few days, depending on the area and the strength of your treatment. Other possible side effects include temporary discolouration, bruising and skin irritation. These generally resolve within a few weeks.

How long does permanent hair removal take?

It depends on what type of treatment you have: for example, laser treatments can take up to 30 minutes, whereas electrolysis takes several hours. The length of time depends on the size of the area being treated and how many hairs need to be removed.

What happens after permanent hair removal?

You may see some regrowth within three months, but this will usually be fine vellus hair (very thin), which is not visible without magnification. This usually grows back over two years as permanent hair reduction takes place — although this varies from person to person.

What is the best method of permanent hair removal?

The best method of permanent hair removal is a process called electrolysis. Electrolysis is done by inserting a very fine probe into the follicle and applying a small amount of electrical current to destroy the root of the hair. The goal is to destroy all the cells at the base of the follicle so that they can’t grow back. The procedure can be painful, but new techniques have been developed that are less painful than in the past. It also requires multiple appointments to complete each pulse-width cycle around each follicle.

How do I know if I am a good candidate for the treatment?

The best candidates are those who can commit to the procedure and want to get rid of unwanted hair permanently. If you have dark skin, it is not recommended that you use this treatment. The laser light is absorbed by melanin in the skin, so it works best on light colored hair.

What is the difference between laser hair removal and electrolysis?

Laser and electrolysis are both methods of permanent hair removal. Laser treatment works best on dark hair on light skin, while electrolysis works well on light hair on dark skin. Both treatments can be used to remove unwanted facial, body and genital hair.

Q: How soon after a treatment can I go in the sun?

A: You should avoid direct sunlight for 3 days after each treatment.

Q: How long does the hair removal process take?

A: Each treatment takes about an hour, depending on the area to be treated.

Q: Do you have to shave or wax before your appointment?

A: It is not necessary to shave or wax prior to your appointment but we recommend it as it makes for easier treatments and better results. Please let us know if you need help shaving or waxing before your appointment so we can accommodate you.

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