Tips for safe carpooling
Carpooling is advantageous to public commuters in COVID-19 times like these. As opposed to other kinds of public transportation, you ride in a low-density commuting mode where riders are easily traceable and have control over the types of commuters with whom you share your area. Check out cool.mt for all your carpool requirements. Here are some tips to allow you to keep yourself and your passengers safe during carpool travel.
8 Tips For Having A Safe Carpool Ride
Keep close contact within the vehicle to a minimum:
According to the World Health Organization, we should all keep a distance of at least 6 feet between ourselves and the next person. However, because you won’t be able to maintain that distance in a car, you should strive to leave as much physical space between yourself, other passengers, and the driver as possible. Try to avoid physical touch unless you’re sharing a vehicle with someone who lives in the same house as you.
Wear a Mask:
Masks act as a barrier between our nose and mouth and the virus that is carried in respiratory droplets. To protect yourself and others from the virus, put on a mask before getting into the automobile and while inside. You should also insist on everyone wearing their masks; masks work best when everyone is wearing one.
Keep Carpool Size to a Minimum:
If you used to carpool with more than four individuals before the Coronavirus pandemic, keep it to a limit of three persons. One person per seat row is recommended. Else additional carpoolers should sit diagonally from one another.
Don’t Ride or Drive When You’re Unwell:
If you’re sick, stay at home and call your doctor. You don’t want to put other passengers’ immune systems in danger by riding or driving when you’re sick, so only do so when you’re feeling good.
Clean and disinfect your vehicle:
Before you go on any ride, make sure you clean and disinfect every area of your vehicle. The same procedure should be followed at the end of each ride. Using a disinfectant containing at least 70% alcohol, wipe down and clean every car seat, doorknobs, seat belts, dashboards, and other regularly touched areas.
Maintain Good Respiratory Hygiene:
Sneezing and allowing the droplet to spread is inappropriate since the coronavirus can spread through the air. Our advice is to sneeze into your elbow or cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue to maintain good respiratory hygiene. This will prevent respiratory droplets from spreading throughout the vehicle and falling on other passengers.
Wash Your Hands:
Before and after sharing a ride, wash your hands thoroughly. If you don’t have access to soap or running water, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. As a driver, ensure that other passengers’ hands are clean before and after the ride by providing them with hand sanitizer.
Don’t Touch Anything:
Don’t touch anything in the vehicle, and make sure everyone handles their own personal belongings, groceries, and bags.